PhD , Clemson University
Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design
Clemson University
PhD, May 2019, passed with distinction
Dissertation: Composing Counter-Memories: Using MEmorial and Community Engagement to Disrupt Dominant Narratives
State University of New York College at Buffalo
MA, May 2014
State University of New York College at Buffalo
Post-Baccalaureate, May 2012
Grove City College
BA, May 2001
Professional Appointments
Clemson University
Graduate Teacher of Record, English, 2015-present
Adobe Systems
Digital Literacy Thought Leader, 2017-present
State University of New York College at Buffalo
Lecturer, English, 2014-2015
Assistant Director of Writing Center, 2013-2014
Graduate Research Assistant to Director of First Year Composition, 2013-2014
Graduate Teaching Assistant, English, Spring 2014
Scholarly Activity
“Objects with Thing-Power: Rusty Art, Historical Markers, and Stone Monuments.” Trace, accepted with revisions.
“(Virtual) Objects with Thing-Power: Rusty Art, Historical Markers, and Stone Monuments.” Trace, forthcoming.
“Horrorism and Ontological Dignity: What Do/not Historical Signs Tell Us?” Present Tense, May 2018.
“The Ghosts of Pendleton.” Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, 16.1 (Winter 2016-17).
“Legacies of Fort Hill.” Textshop Experiments, 2 (Winter 2016). Collaboratively authored with Brian Gaines, Stephen J. Quigley, and Eric James Stephens.
“Book Review: Toward a Critical Rhetoric on the Israel-Palestine Conflict.” Itineration: Cross-Disciplinary Studies in Rhetoric, Media, and Culture, (2016).
“Of the Appalachian Diaspora.” Afterimage: A Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism, 44.2 (2016). Collaboratively authored with Stephen J. Quigley.
Works in Progress
“Racial Countermemories: Spaces and Places of Rhetorical Resistance.” Collaboratively authored with James Chase Sanchez. Intended for Rhetoric Society Quarterly.
“Social Justice-Based Techical Communication Pedagogy.” Collaboratively authored with Chen Chen. CPTSC white paper.
“Considering Contested Spaces and Places: Using Chora/graphy as a Critical Spatial Perspective.” Intended for enculturation. [Web].
Design Projects
Cover design. Oral Communication Across the Disciplines: A Resource for Teacher Development and Training. Parlor Press, 2017. Co-designed with Brian Gaines.
Honors and Awards
Outstanding Dissertation Award, Clemson University Graduate School. Clemson University, April 2019.
Selected as Digital Literacy Thought Leader, Adobe System. 2017-current
Selected for Digital Creativity Faculty Program, Clemson University, 2016.
Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award, SUNY Buffalo State, 2015.
Invited Talks
“Race, Place, and Public Memory.” Invited Skype Speaker, Dr. James Chase Sanchez’s WRPR 0345: The Rhetoric of Public Memory, Middlebury College, March 2019.
“Using Spark Video and Premiere Pro Across the Curriculum.” Invited Workshop Leader. With Todd Taylor. Adobe System’s Creative Campus for Academics. University of Utah. June 2018.
“Re/thinking Text-Based Assignments With Digital Creativity” Invited Workshop Leader. With Todd Taylor. Clemson University. April 2018.
“Adobe Creative Cloud Across the Curriculum Experience Day.” Invited Workshop Leader. With Todd Taylor. University of Arizona. February 2018.
“Showcasing Instructional Strategies.” Invited Speaker, Webinar, Virginia Commonwealth University. October 2017.
“The Digital Creativity Syllabus.” Invited Speaker, Adobe System’s Creative Campus. University of Utah. June 2017.
“From Zero to Adobe in a Day: A Hands-On Workshop.” Invited Workshop Leader, Adobe System’s Creative Campus for Academics. University of Utah. June 2017.
“Making Things: How STEM Students Develop Communication Skills.” Invited Speaker, Adobe System’s Creative Campus. UNC Chapel Hill. April 2017.
“Exploring Multimodal Rhetorics Through Adobe Audition and Spark Post.” Invited Speaker, Adobe System’s EduMAX Conference. San Diego, CA. November 2016.
“Knowing, Doing, and Making: Digital Creativity as a Pedagogical Choice. Invited Speaker, Adobe System’s Creative Campus. University of Utah. June 2016.
“Affective Methods: Practicing and Performing Chora in Spaces/Places.” CCCC. Pittsburgh, PA. 2019.
“‘Large Culture Ideologies’ and Evangelicalism.” CCCC. Rhetoric and Religious Traditions Standing Group Sponsored Panel. Pittsburgh, PA. 2019.
“Mundane Ripples in Evangelicalism: Anti-Racist Movements and LGBTQ Support in Contemporary Christian Discourse.” Rhetoric and Religion in the 21st Century Conference. Knoxville, TN. 2018.
“Re/Telling Southern Histories.” Capacious: Affective Inquiry/Making Space. Lancaster, PA. 2018
“Toward a Rhetoric of Heuretics: Using Video and GIS to Map Choral and Material Spaces.” RSA. Minneapolis, MN. 2018.
“Doing Chora/graphy: Using Google Tour Builder to Map Material and Metaphysical Spaces.” CCCC. Kansas City, MO. 2018.
“An Inward Look: Using MEmorial to Consider Individual and Collective Identity.” Digital Praxis Poster Session. CCCC. Kansas City, MO. 2018
“Toward a (More) Just Memorial: Applying the Antenarrative Methodology to Problematic Historical Marker Texts.” Association of Teachers of Technical Writing. Kansas City, KS. 2018.
“Spatialized Othering: How Geography Constructs Difference.” National Communication Association Conference. Dallas, TX. 2017.
“Bleeding Borders: How Difference is Constructed Through Material Spaces.” Conference on Community Writing. Boulder, CO. 2017.
“Church Statements as Public Rhetoric: How Rhetorical Ecologies Function in Christian Ideology.” Rhetoric Society of Europe Conference. Norwich, UK. 2017.
“Education Wunderkammer: On the Cultivation of Next-Generation Teachers and Learners in Writing and Composition Studies.” Computers & Writing. Findlay, OH. 2017.
“Dissonant Wonder/ment: Materiality, Memorials, and a Rhetoric of Hospitality.” Computers & Writing. Findlay, OH. 2017.
“Using Geographic Information Systems to Map Inequalities.” Research Network Forum. CCCC. Portland, OR. 2017.
“Chora, Memory, and MEmorials.” Digitorium. Tuscaloosa, AL. 2017.
“Erasing Histories: A Place-Based Argument for Ontological Dignity.” Carolina Rhetoric Conference. Columbia, SC. 2017.
“YouTube and Re/Inventing Popular Culture Through Social Justice and Community Building.” Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. Louisville, KY. 2016.
“Resistant Students and Identity Studies: How Electracy Saved My Classroom.” Computers & Writing. Rochester, NY. 2016.
“The Ghosts of Pendleton: A Konsult for Change.” Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media Symposium. Raleigh, NC. 2016.
“Ruptured Rhetorics: Decentering the One True Way.” Carolina Rhetoric Conference. Raleigh, NC. 2016.
“Legacies of Fort Hill: Using Digital Rhetoric to Show the Complex Histories of Clemson University.” Digitorium: University of Alabama Digital Humanities Conference. Tuscaloosa, AL. 2016.
“The Dominican Immigrant: Cultural Hybridity in How the García Girls Lost Their Accents.” The Louisville Conference on Literature & Culture Since 1900. Louisville, KY. 2015.
“Angels in America: Revising the Divine.” SUNY Brockport’s Graduate Research Conference. Brockport, NY. 2014.
“One Small Step for Basic Communication; One Large Step for WAC: Adopting a Common Handbook in Order to Facilitate a Culture of Writing.” with Michele Ninacs. College English Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. 2014.
“‘God Loves All Them Feelings’: Renegotiating Faith and Sexual Identity in The Color Purple.” College English Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. 2014.
Grants and Fellowships
Global Learning SEED Grant, Spring 2019, $250
Professional Enrichment Grant, Spring 2019, $750
Professional Enrichment Grant, Fall 2018, $1340
Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant, Fall 2018, $1300
Capacious Conference Registration Grant, Summer 2018
Professional Enrichment Grant, Summer 2018, $750
Research Completion Grant, Spring 2018, $250
Pearce Center for Professional Communication Grant, Spring 2018, $250
Professional Enrichment Grant, Spring 2018, $750
Professional Enrichment Grant, Fall 2017, $750
Research Fellowship, CICI Secure NSF Project, Clemson University 2017-2018
Research Travel Grant, College of Arts, Architecture, and Humanities, Clemson University, Summer 2017, $1000
Professional Enrichment Grant, Summer 2017, $1000
ATTW 2017 Research Methods Workshop Graduate Student Grant
Professional Enrichment Grant, Spring 2017, $750
Research Fellowship, Center of Excellence, Clemson University, Spring 2017
Professional Enrichment Grant, Clemson University, Fall 2016, $750
Digital Creativity Faculty Program, Clemson University
Computers and Writing Graduate Research Network Grant
Campus Talks
“Digital Creativity: Why it Matters to Plant and Environmental Science Students.” Invited Speaker, PES 430. September 2017.
“Using Behance in Conjunction with Teaching ENGL 1030.”Invited Speaker, Webinar with Adobe and CSU. April 2016.
“Digital Creativity and Behance.”Invited Speaker, Professor Vernon Burton’s graduate seminar. April 2016.
“Digital Creativity as Student and Instructor. Invited Speaker, Adobe and UNC Chapel Hill. February 2016.
Teaching Experience
Graduate Teacher of Record, Clemson University, from Fall 2015 to the present for the English Department
ENGL 1030: Accelerated Composition
ENGL 3040: Business Writing (Online)
ENGL 3140: Technical Writing (Online)
ENGL 3140: Technical Writing
Instructor, SUNY Buffalo State, from Fall 2014 to Spring 2015 for the College Writing Program
CWP I: College Writing I
CWP II: College Writing II
Teaching Assistant, SUNY Buffalo State, Spring 2014 for the College Writing Program
CWP I: College Writing I
CWP II: College Writing II
Administrative Experience
Assistant Director, Writing Help Center, SUNY Buffalo State, 2013-2014.
Graduate Research Assistant, Director of the College Writing Program, Dr. Michele Ninacs, SUNY Buffalo State, 2013-2014.
Reviewer, Annual Proceedings for the Computers and Writing Conference, 2018.
Volunteer, CCCC Welcome Table for Newcomers, 2018.
Chair, Carolina Rhetoric Conference, 2018.
Proposal Reviews, Computers and Writing Conference, 2017-2018.
Senate Member, Carolina Rhetoric Conference, 2016-present.
Secretary, Society of the Third Sophistic, 2016-2017.
Media Relations
“Scaled Up Digital Literacy.” Campus Technology. 26 April 2016.
Professional Development
Participant, Iconographic Tracking ATTW Research Methods Workshop with Laurie Gries. Portland, OR. 2017.
Co-director, Minecraft Summer Scholars Workshop. Clemson University. 2016.
Presenter, Graduate Research Network. Computers & Writing. Rochester, NY. 2016.
Participant, Scientific Writing and Communication Workshop. Clemson University. 2016.
Student Teacher, SUNY Buffalo State. English/ELA. 2012.
Professional Organizations
National Communication Association (NCA)
National Council for Teachers of English (NCTE)
Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH)
Rhetoric Society of America (RSA)
Rhetoric Society of Europe (RSE)
Society of the Third Sophistic (S3S)